PACS/RIS ArchiMed – АПК АрхиМед PRO Chronos

ArchiMed - a reliable tool in the hands of a radiologist

PACS \ RIS based on ArchiMed is the main tool for solving tasks of a radiologist, allows to accumulate long-term archive of examination and data, also includes various functions for images viewing and processing

ArchiMed is available in three types of licenses: Diagnostic license to be used by а diagnostician, Viewing — by doctor-laboratory assistant and Server — as a Web access option

Some features and characteristics of the ArchiMed

Image Series Layout

Export of images to a remote DICOM server

Telemedical Consultations

Examination records compilation

Indicators with text (marking images with explanations)

3D cursor function (automatic indication of the location of the selected image point on other images in the series with synchronization during navigation)

Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) of a selected series of images in mutually perpendicular planes

Image brightness (contrast) adjustment

Selection of optional and elliptical areas (calculation of average density, standard deviation and area)

Calculation of the volume of the selected area on CT and MRI series

Angle measurement

Linear measurement

Construct perpendiculars to lines

Filter Image (filters set: smoothing, median, high-pass filters)

Record the examination results on CD/DVD (recording is carried out along with the program for viewing images)

Print images with the preparation of a printing project (splitting a sheet into series with setting up each series, random selection of series and images, processing of images before printing, inclusion of an examination record. DICOM printers support)